
My Top 30 Favorite (active) Geocaches

Favorite points. Geocachers are granted one favorite point per every ten finds. Do you award them as they are intended? Or are you like me and have hundreds stockpiled? Like I’m waiting for that cache find that was just a bit better than all the others. I don’t know why I have so many saved up, other than the fact that I really don’t find that many that are truly spectacular and worthy, in my opinion. I’m fast approaching 10,000 finds (that’s crazy!), so I have nearly 1,000 favorite points to award. I have handed out only about half of what I could.

I took the time to scroll through my list of favorite geocaches (find yours here). To be honest there were many on the list that I had absolutely no recollection of. Something stood out to me at the time I found it though. Or maybe I was just feeling generous that day. I’m not exactly running short of favorite points after all. Many of them I did remember and still love to this day.

I thought I would share with you some of my favorite finds. I was going to do a Top 10 list, but I just couldn’t narrow it down. They are all so good! This list is geocaches that I would recommend everyone find for one reason or another. Some are because of the hide, some are the location, and some are just because. I did not include any in this list that have been archived because I don’t want to tell you about a cache that you can’t find.

  1. It’s gotta start somewhere! (GC4M54A) by scottberks
    Cache type: Traditional | Location: Illinois | Hidden: 8/29/2013
    D/T: 1.5 / 1.5 | Favorite Points: 4
    I found this geocache on 9/1/2013. It is an unremarkable hide, other than the fact that it was placed at the same location as a previous cache where Scott and I met. Read the cache description, and you’ll understand why this one made the list.
  1. LPC-NOT (GC1QNA6) by Slim Shady
    Cache type: Traditional | Location: Illinois | Hidden: 4/27/2009
    D/T: 3.5 / 3.5 | Favorite Points: 32
    I found this geocache on 6/21/2013. Although there is an LPC very near to ground zero, it is definitely not an LPC. I can’t say much more than that without giving it away.
  1. Pike Powder Hike (GC3B1) by kbraband
    Cache type: Traditional | Location: Wisconsin | Hidden: 3/2/2001
    D/T: 2.5 / 3.5 | Favorite Points: 351
    I found this geocache on 8/10/2014. It is Wisconsin’s oldest cache, and is in a beautiful area. Well worth the hike to get to.
  1. Beverly (GC28) by Robert Reindl
    Cache type: Traditional | Location: Illinois | Hidden: 5/13/2000
    D/T: 2/2 | Favorite Points: 1240
    I found this geocache on 4/14/2013. Illinois’ oldest, second oldest active cache in the world, and my 1000th find. There’s really nothing else special about this one.Beverly
  1. Challenge-a-Month Challenge: 24 months! (GC5QABA) by IrishCubsFan
    Cache type: Unknown | Location: Illinois | Hidden: 3/28/2015
    D/T: 4 / 3.5 | Favorite Points: 5
    I found this geocache on 5/22/2016. I love challenge caches, so this one was like the challenge of all challenges. I kept a streak of at least one challenge cache found every month between August 2013 and March 2016.
  1. Suburban Night Cache (GC6G5TF) by GeoJIM5
    Cache type: Unknown | Location: Illinois | Hidden: 3/18/2016
    D/T: 4 / 4 | Favorite Points: 11
    I found this geocache on 3/18/2016. What an adventure this cache took us on! When I think of night caches, I think of firetacks on trees in the woods or out on back country roads. Not this night cache though. It takes you on a little tour of a residential neighborhood!
  1. GO BIG RED (GC943) by ABE & RISS
    Cache type: Traditional | Location: Nebraska | Hidden: 5/10/2001
    D/T: 1.5 / 1.5 | Favorite Points: 366
    I found this geocache on 10/3/2015. Another oldest in the state, this one in Nebraska. It’s a pretty unremarkable hide, near a cemetery on the side of a road. But it’s on a back dirt road in the middle of nowhere, and I love the view.
    Go Big Red
  1. Geocache Pickers (GC3MYET) by Rynee
    Cache type: Letterbox | Location: Iowa | Hidden: 6/4/2012
    D/T: 2 / 2.5 | Favorite Points: 300
    I found this geocache on 11/23/2013. If you’re a fan of the show American Pickers on the History Channel, then you will love this cache! Stop by Antique Archaeology in LeClaire, IA and check it out.
  1. Geo-General Store (GC5P98P) by ottieolsen (Dustin & Heather)
    Cache type: Traditional | Location: Kansas | Hidden: 3/12/2015
    D/T: 1/1.5 | Favorite Points: 557
    I found this geocache on 10/3/2015. This cache is just up the street from GC30, Mingo. Not only is it cute and clever, but I “bought” some sunglasses here after losing mine earlier on the road trip.
  1. in plain sight (GC308E) by bspeng
    Cache type: Virtual | Location: Illinois | Hidden: 1/5/2002
    D/T: 1 / 1 | Favorite Points: 73
    I found this geocache on 1/3/2016. I love when virtual caches take you to neat places with interesting history. This is one of those places. The kids thought it was amazing. And as an added bonus, there is a traditional cache there as well. Bonus!
    in plane sight
  1. Sherwood Like a Flashlight (GC18Q2Z) by pbump
    Cache type: Traditional | Location: West Virginia | Hidden: 1/19/2008
    D/T: 2 / 2.5 | Favorite Points: 17
    I found this geocache on 8/13/2011. This cache was probably within my first 25 finds. I really had no idea what I was doing. I was visiting family in West Virginia, and my sister and I decided to take our boys, who were 5 and 8 at the time, out geocaching. We set out on the old Rails to Trails path and had an awesome adventure! We walked through several old, long, pitch-black train tunnels, which of course the boys loved. I still have no idea how we found this cache without cell signal way out there, but somehow we figured it out.Sherwood Like A Flashlight
  1. Scott and Walt Come to Oregon State (GC3A90R) by FootSoSaurus
    Cache type: Traditional | Location: Oregon | Hidden: 1/4/2012
    D/T: 1.5 / 2.5 | Favorite Points: 13
    I found this geocache on 6/17/2013. My log on this one pretty much sums it up.Scott and Walt Come to Oregon State
  1. The Sword In The Stone (GC27N0W) by Diehard50248
    Cache type: Traditional | Location: Minnesota | Hidden: 5/3/2010
    D/T: 2.5 / 2.5 | Favorite Points: 677
    I found this geocache on 3/28/2018. This is the most recent addition to my favorites list. It was found with the family while in Minneapolis for spring break. We didn’t do much geocaching while there, but this one was a must do.
  1. Downtown/Mainstreet USA: Crystal Lake (GC1DQQX) by renzotobias and rocky is a very good doggie
    Cache type: Unknown | Location: Illinois | Hidden: 9/12/2008
    D/T: 2.5 / 1.5 | Favorite Points: 43
    I found this geocache on 9/14/2014. This was such a unique field puzzle! If you want someone to check out a downtown, this is the way to do it. I think we walked up and down Main St. at least four times gathering the necessary information to find the final. This is such a neat old downtown that is still hustling and bustling with unique shops and restaurants. Maybe I’m biased because I claim Crystal Lake as my hometown (I’m really an Army Brat), so it’s near and dear to my heart and I don’t get back there often.
  1. Falcor and the Bonobos (GC1294F) by TheMachine
    Cache type: Traditional | Location: Illinois | Hidden: 6/1/2007
    D/T: 2 / 3.5 | Favorite Points: 42
    I found this geocache on 9/13/2013. This is one of those caches that people talk about at events. We compare stories of how muddy the terrain was or how many spiders there were or how long it took to army crawl backwards to get out. Originally there was an ALR (additional logging requirement) of taking a picture with the Bonobos, which can’t be enforced now. I think the pictures make it a little more amusing.
  1. Full of Wibbly Wobbly, Timey Wimey Stuff (GC4R1TF) by The Doctor
    Cache type: Traditional | Location: Illinois | Hidden: 10/27/2013
    D/T: 1 / 1.5 | Favorite Points: 187
    I found this geocache on 12/6/2014. I love Doctor Who. I love Little Free Libraries. I love geocaching. This hide combines them all.Wibbly Wobbly
  1. I found WHAT at Beverly? (GC390RX) by yellowmach
    Cache type: Traditional | Location: Illinois | Hidden: 12/10/2011
    D/T: 1.5 / 2.5 | Favorite Points: 304
    I found this geocache on 4/14/2013. Another cache that I found on the way to the target cache that was awarded a favorite point. This particular day, I was headed to get GC28, Beverly. This one really made me laugh, and everyone who’s been here will tell you they laughed too.
  1. Sliders (GC4HAE2) by goinkers
    Cache type: Multi | Location: Illinois | Hidden: 7/28/2013
    D/T: 1.5 / 1.5 | Favorite Points: 74
    I found this geocache on 8/24/2013. I love multi caches. This one is probably the shortest multi I’ve found and one of the most clever.
  1. The PV Puzzler (GC4TAGF) by teampv
    Cache type: Unknown | Location: Illinois | Hidden: 11/18/2013
    D/T: 1.5 / 1.5 | Favorite Points: 78
    I found this geocache on 8/3/2014. This is one of those completely unexpectedly brilliant caches. It’s in a parking lot behind a strip mall. It is so well put together, from start to finish. I always recommend this one whenever I’m asked for suggestions in this area.
  1. DR. Who. (GCW6EM) by goblindust
    Cache type: Traditional | Location: Oregon | Hidden: 5/22/2006
    D/T: 2.5 / 1.5 | Favorite Points: 1119
    I found this geocache on 6/17/2013. The one and only goblindust cache I’ve found, and it’s pretty cool! It was one of the first interactive gadget caches I found, and I was fortunate enough to experience it with my entire extended family as well as a local friend who met up with us for the day.
  1. Covert Cache (GC3798) by Dir. Phineas, Agents Socko, Illbegotten, Picard
    Cache type: Traditional | Location: Wisconsin | Hidden: 2/2/2002
    D/T: 3 / 1 Favorite Points: 614
    I found this geocache on 1/16/2016. If you are ever in Milwaukee, WI, go here. Seriously. This place is amazing. These types of hides are generally not allowed anymore, which makes this one even that more special.
  1. Hey Illinois…’s a new ROAD TRIP challenge! (GC58VZX) by 3omahakids
    Cache type: Unknown | Location: Illinois | Hidden: 7/13/2014
    D/T: 5 / 2.5 | Favorite Points: 4
    I found this geocache on 9/28/2014. This is not on the list because of the hide but because of the adventure that I had in order to qualify for it. It is possibly the most ridiculous and most difficult challenge I have done to date, but it was so worth it to be able to .claim it as a find.
    Road Trip Challenge
  1. A Mountain View (GC2JNTY) by je994214
    Cache type: Earthcache | Location: Virginia | Hidden: 11/24/2010
    D/T: 1 / 2 | Favorite Points: 73
    I found this geocache on 10/20/2013. Finding this cache was one of those “this is why I cache” moments. We were on a road trip, racing daylight, trying to hit all our targets, and pulled up to this earthcache on the side of the highway along a stretch of the Appalachian Trail. It took my breath away. Pictures do not do it justice. Another bonus – there’s a traditional cache here as well.Mountain View
  1. It’s smaller on the outside (GC5NRTR) by HappyCricket
    Cache type: Traditional | Location: Georgia | Hidden: 3/14/2015
    D/T: 2.5 / 2 | Favorite Points: 60
    I found this geocache on 3/26/2016. Yes, another little free library and Doctor Who cache. But this one is a full-size TARDIS! Enough said.Smaller on the Outside
  1. The Ultimate Goonies Adventure (GC6RQW5) by pawprintlogic1
    Cache type: Wherigo | Location: Illinois | Hidden: 9/9/2016
    D/T: 3.5 / 5 | Favorite Points: 20
    I found this geocache on 9/23/2016. Wherigos are either hit or miss for me. The cartridges can be buggy and tend to crash, but I still love to give them a go, especially when it’s based on one of my all-time favorite movies, Goonies! This wherigo was very nicely done, taking you on an adventure and finding stages along the way straight out of the movie. We even had to bring a Skull Key, a Landmark Key, and the Music Notes for the Bone Organ in order to complete it successfully.
  1. TEN 4 ONE ? (GC41EP4) by 2n2GeoFam
    Cache type: Unknown | Location: Illinois | Hidden: 11/30/2012
    D/T: 1.5 / 1.5 | Favorite Points: 89
    I found this geocache on 3/1/2013. It’s rare that a gadget cache is so good that I stop by a second time just to do it again, but I did for this one. Without giving too much away, this is placed at an old defunct phone booth, and you need a dime to find the log.
  1. The Grotto (GC9CBB) by Mustard Devil
    Cache type: Virtual | Location: Tennessee | Hidden: 10/16/2002
    D/T: 1 / 1 | Favorite Points: 398
    I found this geocache on 9/27/2014. This is one of those amazing places that you can spend hours exploring and another one of those “this is why I cache” moments. The Grotto
  1. Original Stash Tribute Plaque (GCGV0P) by Geocaching HQ
    Cache type: Traditional | Location: Oregon | Hidden: 9/7/2003
    D/T: 1 / 1.5 | Favorite Points: 3368
    I found this geocache on 6/15/2013. I was in Portland for my grandfather’s memorial service, and luckily I have some geocachers in the family as well as very understanding family members who didn’t have a problem when the geocachers said we needed to go take the day to find a plaque on the side of a road.Original Stash Plaque
  1. Mingo (GC30) by The Kansas Stasher
    Cache type: Traditional | Location: Kansas | Hidden: 5/11/2000
    D/T: 1 / 1 | Favorite Points: 2448
    I found this geocache on 10/3/2015. I mean, it’s the oldest active geocache in the world. It has to be on the list.Mingo
  1. Vampire Empire (GC1A2T0) by Frazer (adopted by Panther in the Den)
    Cache type: Letterbox | Location: Illinois | Hidden: 3/11/2008
    D/T: 2.5 / 1.5 | Favorite Points: 208
    I found this geocache on 9/13/2014. Do you know what the Pedway in Chicago is? Neither did I until finding this letterbox, and I’ve lived in Chicagoland since 1989. This letterbox gives you a series of squiggles and arrows to follow, which takes you on a tour of this underground tunnel system connecting the lower levels of many of the Chicago buildings. It’s like a city under the city, all interconnected to the subway, the hotels, the stores, and the office buildings. I discovered new areas of a familiar city.

So there you have it. My list of favorite (active) geocaches. Have you found any of these, and are they on your list too?

I’d love to put a second list together of your favorites, so let me know what you would add! Send me an email at or fill in the Contact form with the GC# and what makes it special. I know it’s really difficult to narrow it down, so if you have a few that’s fine. Believe me, I understand! I’m looking forward to your responses!

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