How to Store Your Geocaching Swag Collection
Recently, I shared with you how I display my geocaching swag. But truth be told, I have a lot more swag, i.e. trackable geocoins, in my collection than will fit on the walls. So what do I do with the rest of it? I have geocoins, wooden nickels, trackable tags, and cacher cards stored in notebooks on my bookshelf. Let me…
Embrace Self-Care September: Explore the Outdoors Through Hiking and Geocaching
As September arrives, we often find ourselves amidst a whirlwind of responsibilities, work, and the fast-paced nature of life. In the midst of all this chaos, it’s easy to neglect the one person who deserves our utmost care and attention: ourselves. That’s where Self-Care September comes in, offering us the perfect opportunity to take a step back, reconnect with nature,…
How to Deal With Geocaching Burnout
Let's talk about "geocaching burnout." What causes it? How can you work through it and continue to enjoy this great activity you once loved so much?
Yes, I Gave It Away
About 11 years ago, I saw a pattern for a kid’s knitted sweater that I absolutely loved and wanted to make for my then 5-year-old. I picked the colors, bought all the yarn, and put it along with the needles and pattern in a bag and added it to my “queue.” And there it sat.
10 Stocking Stuffers for Geocachers: 2020 Edition
It’s that time of year again – you need to get some stocking stuffers for a geocacher and have no idea what to get! Add to that the complication of shopping during a pandemic, and you’re really in trouble. Fret no more! I’ve compiled a list of 10 fantastic stocking stuffers the geocacher in your life is sure to love!…
How to Display Your Geocaching Swag
As you know, I have been a geocacher for many years. Not only have I added to my find count over the years, I have also added to my personal collection of swag. This includes geocoins and other trackable items, personal swag such as buttons, and pathtags just to name a few. I thought I'd show you how I display…
Craft: Geocaching Map Candles
I collect maps. Everywhere I go, if I see a free map, I have to take it. And if I see somewhere online to send away for a free map, I do. Most states have a department of tourism that will send you maps and travel guides for their area. I have hundreds of maps and decided it was time…
Craft: Geocaching Inspired Keychains
Looking for a fun geocaching related craft that’s fun for children and adults? Look no further! I’ll show you how to make these super easy and cute geocaching inspired keychains. They make great gifts or swag for geocaching. (contains affiliate links) Start out with transparent plastic pony beads like these. I used transparent green, orange, turquoise, and yellow. Arrange them…
Playing Hooky for Hockey (and Geocaching)
Confession: I played hooky for hockey today. Ok, so it was really a vacation day that I had been planning for the past couple of months. My kiddo was playing with his school band at the local minor league hockey team’s daytime game today. I love watching him play and I kinda like hockey, so I thought it would be…
Geocaching Favorite Points
Let’s talk about favorite points and geocaching. I recently watched a YouTube video by a fellow geocacher which was about favorite points and what they mean. It really got me thinking about what they are for and why we should or shouldn’t award them. According to Geocaching.com, “Geocaching Favorite points are a simple way to track and share the geocaches…